Monday, February 4, 2008

Interesting Times

One of the ironies of running a blog, I have found, is that when life is most interesting you have the least time and energy to write about it. And so it has been here.

Things had been going along so smoothly there hardly seemed anything to write home about, mostly we had been falling into a rhythm of medical appointments and physical therapy sessions. Then things started happening, most notably getting back some worrisome results from blood tests taken towards the end of last week.

Last week Leo had been negotiating with his docs to be able to visit Portland, this week the docs are concerned we might potentially be looking at a viral infection, or possibly "a little rejection". I, for one, have never been a big fan of rejection in any form, especially when it involves one of my kid's major organs.

More will be reveled as the week proceeds, keep a good thought.

1 comment:

Raemi said...

So glad to see an entry, I look at your blog every day at least 500 times :) as the girls and Guy and I are so wondering how you and Leo are. Please tell Leo the girls miss him and really want to see him.
All our love,
Raemi and the Longanecker Clan